What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese term. When translated to English, Rei means “Universal Life” and “ki” means “Energy”, so Reiki translates to “Universal Life Energy”, which are the life energies all around us. It’s the plants, the animals, the humans, water, Earth and the solar system, down to the things are cannot see like atoms or quarks.
Our body produces electromagnetic fields, as does the heart and brain and all of our cells. The HeartMath Institute reminds us that our heart actually sends more signals to the brain than our brain does to the heart and these signals can affect emotions and perceptions.
Just like pond water can become stagnant, the energy in our body can become stagnant if it’s not regularly cleared out. Reiki helps move out negative or other stagnant energies that aren’t serving us anymore and helps us change our heart’s rhythms.
Does Reiki Work?
Even if you don’t believe clearing your chakras or in removing negative energy, there is still the benefit of meditation. Meditative reiki healing uses various methods to help induce states of meditation through guided visualization, binaural beats, sound bowls and other methods.
Some reiki practitioners will also use stones such as quartz crystals, amethysts, and obsidian to help clear or move energy through the chakras. Others may use essential oils, sage, sprays, or candles to help induce relaxation during the meditative reiki session.
Reiki for Pain Management
There is evidence that Reiki may be effective for pain and anxiety. Using Reiki for pain management means being aware of your pain and how to use breathing, visualization and meditative Reiki for better pain management.
Reiki for Mindfulness
Using Reiki for mindfulness around body awareness, our breath, exercise such as yoga, loving self-care and kindness for others and our community.
Mindfulness is rooted in the idea of stress reduction and includes meditation, nutrition, yoga, healthy sleep practices, and general attitude of kindness and gratitude.